Just a few pounds a month paid by standing order can make such an enormous difference to the bills for the donkeys in NEDDI’s care.

For the cost of just ONE newspaper A WEEK you could donate £2 a month.
For less than the cost of half a pint of beer each week you could donate £5 a month. Or if you could spare the cost of a sandwich a week you could donate £10 a month.
The equivalent of an apple a day would be a donation of £15 a month. Or for the cost of a daily cup of tea in a café you could donate an amazing£20 a month. On a daily or weekly basis these are pretty small sums, but they add up to a great deal of help to the donkeys.
Alternative method:
Please just print off the form below, fill it in and return it to us at:
PO Box 56,
Cornwall PL27 9BJ
Please click on one of the options below to download and print or save the image below. Thank you: